Will The “Real You” Please Stand Up!
“This is not really me” is a phrase I hear a lot, in the context of my work.
My question would then be: Who’s the real you?
Are you a mother? A wife/partner?
Are you a daughter? A grandmother?
Are you a sister? An aunt?
Are you a business woman? An employee?
I wanted to write this post because the whole idea of “This is not really me” has always made me scratch my head, and wonder if we give too much consideration to what this means when we are talking about how we see ourselves.
There are many contexts in which this phrase fits: “Watching Formula 1? Not really me” or “Wearing flares? Not really me!”
When it comes to how we see ourselves, and how we present ourselves to the world, I believe that we need to start thinking in a more multi-dimensional way!
Becky is a mum. a wife, a woman who runs her own business, and who looks after a small holding.
She told me that she spends most of her days in jeans, a t-shirt, and a jumper, as it is practical for looking after the land.
When dressing up her style is mainly smart casual, and she simply did not think of herself as someone who would have professional make-up done, and who would dress up for a portrait session!
“I am just not glamorous, at all! - she told me”
Aaaaahhh… That word: “Glamorous”!
No one is born glamorous, and the word is largely misunderstood - Looking glamorous takes work, and it takes a certain mindset.
So when I was talking to Becky about having a Beauty Portrait Session we discussed just this, and I told her what I’d tell any other woman:
Looking glamorous is a choice you make, rather than something you “are”.
I also talked to Becky about how she could be a someone who spent her time wearing casuals and working the land, and that she could also be someone who indulged in pampering, professional make-up and dressing up.
We discussed how she could be welcome and embrace all the different sides of her personality, and she felt more at ease with booking her Beauty Portrait Session!
Much like Becky many women feel the same way about how they see themselves, even more so when we talk about a Beauty or Boudoir Portrait Session!
This particular scenario and possibility has many women running for the hills, declaring that they could never “be like that”, “do that”, or “see myself that way”.
So I’d invite you to consider these questions: Are you just one version of yourself, or are you multidimensional? Which one is the “Real You”?
I will leave the last words to Becky, herself, on how she felt about the whole experience:
“This week I received my gorgeous framed portrait taken a few weeks ago by Andrea. To say it has been a journey is an understatement.
Why? Because I undertook a portrait session to face my old fears around self-worth and visibility. Andrea has met me at every stage with care, respect, gentle encouragement and guidance.
Her passion to show women their inner and outer beauty, captured through her camera lens, comes out in every interaction and stage of the process.
Today I am unashamedly proud of the beautiful picture that hangs on the wall in my home. The picture that I envision will one day hang on my son's, and perhaps grandchild's, wall long after I'm gone.
But mainly, I did this for me and me alone.
The journey wasn't easy, it has taken a commitment and courage to step out of my comfort zone, and... it is so worth it!
Whatever your reason for feeling drawn to this process I can't recommend Andrea highly enough. There's no time like now to do something wonderful for YOU!”