Are You Heading Towards Burn-Out? - by Mary Wardell


Mary is a freelance copywriter based in Cornwall, known as the bird with two birds!

She launched her copywriting business Greywing Creations in 2021, and named it after her two African Grey parrots, Monty and Beaky with whom she shares her life.

Mary has a background in PR & Marketing within the home care /care franchising sector, so this is her niche subject.

Years ago, she worked as a professional homoeopath in the UK and overseas, and used her writing to help educate people about the benefits of alternative medicine, in both the human and veterinary fields.  

Now Mary enjoys the freedom of freelance work and the scope to write about all sorts of subjects.

Mary also has additional qualifications in Public Relations and Freelance Journalism, all of which are great additions to her skills as a copywriter.


Freelance copywriter/storyteller.

Powerful, persuasive writing to help your brand soar. Bird mad.

Speaks parrot fluently.

Image ©️ Lizzie Melvin

We are all familiar with the term ‘being stressed out’. 

However, if this becomes a habitual way of life, then burn-out is usually not far off.

For many women, juggling work and family life is the norm and for some, caring for an older loved one is also part of the deal.

But what happens when the demands of your job match or exceed the demands of home life? It’s a dangerous combination with exhaustion usually the next stop.

So how far down the road to burn-out are you?

Fatigue: This is not simply having the odd day feeling dog-tired; it’s a feeling of deep exhaustion and a state of constant weariness.

Irritability: We all have off days, but if you notice you are feeling more sensitive, perhaps over-reacting to small issues, flare up quickly or feel perpetually grumpy, it may be that fatigue is creating high levels of irritability.

Poor quality sleep:  Prolonged poor quality sleep for whatever reason (and there can be various triggers) can be another indicator that you are chronically tired. 

Low self-esteem: Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and helplessness are all part of this syndrome. 

A hectic job and a demanding home life can leave you feeling trapped in an endless cycle of ‘giving to every man and his dog’ with little or no control over your own life. 

Consequently, you may see yourself as someone who is only good for taking care of other people’s needs.

Self-disparaging remarks:  Can you relate to negative self-talk like “no-one cares what I think”, or “why should I consider my needs? What I want doesn’t matter much.”?

Cynicism: Feeling cynical about everything is a negative response to life and is often the flip side of feeling worthless. 

Perhaps you feel trapped, not able to use your talents and think you are wasting your time doing what you doing? Taking control of your life, even in a small way, can relieve the ‘gloom’.

Weepiness:  Excessive tearfulness or swinging between weepiness and irritability is another clue that you are not coping,

Depression: This is usually a clear indicator that you need to take time out and re-look at your lifestyle. Burn-out is on the way, and it can quickly become a chronic condition, taking the best of your inner strength and affect your overall health.

 It can also be the precursor to other debilitating illnesses. 

There is much truth in the old saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull (and burnt out) boy”. 

Being able to say you are not coping is not an admission of failure, but rather an opportunity for change. Plus, it may help you to bear in mind that whatever challenges have to be faced, you are part of the solution, rather than the solution.

Sometimes people just need permission, from someone outside their personal circle, to take their foot off the gas. 

This is the first important step. The next one is getting the help and support you need; becoming a slave to life is not the best policy.

Having time alone is also important.

So, if you are reading this and it sounds a little too familiar, now would be a good time to reflect on what changes you need to make.

If all you can manage at the moment is to put aside your phone and do something which brings you pleasure, then do that.

After all, taking that first, small step is the biggest one.

Be brave, your inner self will thank you for it!

If you found this article helpful and informative, and would like to find out more about working with Mary, here are her contact details:

Mobile: 07980 208980


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