Boudoir Portraiture: The Myths and The Facts
If you have ever considered having a Boudoir Portrait Session but was put off because of the the various negative connotations and misconceptions which can surround this genre, please allow me to shed some light on the subject.
I think about this style both as a professional photographer and as a woman, and this influences not only my view on it but also how I approach it!
Common Myths:
These are statements which I have heard, read, and have been asked about over the years
I don’t have the figure for it
I am too old
It is demeaning to women
I don’t want to be photographed in the nude
I don’t like Page 3/Glamour style photos
These are the top 5 comments I have either heard or read, though you may have your own ideas - In that case, read on…
Your body shape is absolutely perfect for Boudoir Portraits! - I pose and light all my clients’ portraits in a way which is suitable for their body shape, and which makes the very best of their natural beauty. I discuss posing at the consultation stage, to ensure my clients understand how Boudoir Portraiture really works - Every woman is different, and has different expectations, and this is something I always respect and do my best to work with.
Age is irrelevant - They say age is just a number, and I agree! I do not believe that your age should stop you from having a Boudoir Portrait Session, as long as you are comfortable with it. We will discuss posing and what is appropriate for you, and that is the same for all women I photograph - regardless of age!
I never photograph women in demining poses - As a professional photographer, and a woman, I take every care to ensure that women are never, ever, photographed in a way which shows them as submissive, powerless, controlled, overly sexualised, or available. My images always aim to show sensuality and not sexuality, and my clients are always in control of how they are posed, so if a pose feels uncomfortable or wrong to them, we simply rethink it!
I do not offer explicit Boudoir - By that I mean full-frontal, which shows intimate parts in an obvious way. I favour corsets and classy/classic underwear shots - Think high-end underwear adverts, such as Victoria’s Secret! If a client wishes to have nude images, they will be posed as “implied nudes”, which basically means no intimate body parts are on show - It is all in the posing!
Page 3 vs Glamour - Let’s get this straight… - Page 3 style images are not glamorous, or glamour, but they simply use the word to make it sound more appealing (IMHO). The idea of glamour portraits started with Hollywood movie stars in the early days of cinema. Google the term “hollywood glamour portraits” - It’s ok… It is 100% safe and it will show you what this genre really is, and what it means. It has absolutely nothing to do with Page 3 images! Glamour portraits are, in fact, glamorous in the true sense of the word. Both Boudoir and Women Portraits can (and should) be glamorous, because this is a beautiful style.
Choose Wisely!
You should always choose a photographer whose style you are comfortable with, and never allow yourself to be pushed to pose in way which you feel is uncomfortable or wrong for you.
I hope that you found some clarity in this short post, and that it was also useful in shedding some light on Boudoir Portraits - I also hope that you feel more inclined to consider this beautiful portrait genre!
If you would like to find out more about what I offer, the below links are all you will need…